Wednesday, February 17, 2010


On the way to PPST, I stopped in Fes with a couple of my fellow PCVs. What a cool city! The architecture is amazing. I even enjoyed seeing the tannery, although it smelled horrendous. Thank goodness they gave us sprigs of mint to smell while we were looking...

This is me with Adriana and Peggy in front of the tannery. The vats below are filled with pigeon poop (because its high in ammonia) and lime to help treat the skins. The tannery treats cow, sheep, goat and camel skins. The building we climbed to get this view is filled to the rafters with all the products they make from the leather.


  1. I can't imagine the smell. What a fun trip. The architecture looks so beautiful! Only 4 and 1/2 months until we can see you! Love, Mom

  2. Fez looks like a really cool city. I'm so glad you're able to travel around during your Peace Corps service. Love, Em
